Sunday, April 02, 2006


It has been a while since we update our blog. If say no time,... not entirely true juga. Just didnt get around to do update. Sorry ya.

Anyways,... as of today,.... Intan's tummy is BIG already.... (and may get Bigger dia bilang). As for Ashley,... she is at the stage where she must have a dose of Barney daily..... right now she got a good collection of Barney VCD's.

The packers will come tomorrow to box everything up to be ship back KK, so I reckon,... the house will be quite a mess. But on the flip side,... it will be nice to go back home juga.

Here's the latest pics from Ashley.

Hee hee,... amacam? Ashley looks like she got a hangover,...ka ka ka!


Anonymous said...

?? pindah balik kk ka? tulah ndak update buddy ko... nda tau apa2 ni..

thewonghome said...

tingu! sampai si ashley besar sudah baru ada news dari kamurang! *tsk* ;-p

Lynn said...

ya bah..oh you balik kk..thats so nice..i also want to go back la..hmm maybe i will la in may..